Clarity, direction, and expertise

At Dimension IV, we understand financial freedom means something different to everyone. It’s why we’re focused on listening, understanding, and asking the right questions before we begin. We dig deep to uncover exactly what success means to you, then draw on our knowledge, expertise, and insights to craft the most effective financial plan.

Getting to know you

Getting to know you

The first step to any effective financial plan is to understand what success means to you. To begin, we get to know you, your current situation, and your goals. This comprehensive groundwork considers:

  • Your current financial position, including assets, income, and debts.
  • Your values, goals, and aspirations.
  • Your challenges, roadblocks, or concerns.
  • Your appetite for risk, and experience with investing.

We explore this in detail and take the time to ask the right questions. By gathering all the information and understanding your personal definition of success, we can create the most effective plan to help create wealth on your terms.

This part of the process includes an initial meeting, where we gather essential information, followed by a second meeting where we explore different options and directions.

Your personalised plan

The next step is for us to begin work on building your personalised plan. We draw on our research and expertise in analysing the different options, making projections, and deciding on the most appropriate path forward.

We then meet with you to present your personalised financial plan in detail. This will cover:

  • Recommendations
  • Rationale
  • Expected benefits
  • Projections
  • Fees
  • Next steps

We’ll answer any questions you might have, ensure you understand each recommendation, and give you the confidence to effectively build your wealth. Once you’ve agreed to your plan, we take care of all the necessary paperwork and processes to implement our recommendations.

Your personalised plan
Ongoing reviews

Ongoing reviews

Once your strategies are in place, it’s important to monitor performance and track progress. Rather than a ‘set-and-forget’ approach, ongoing reviews help to evolve your plan as your life circumstances change. Events that might impact your plan include:

  • Life changes, such as births, illnesses, or new jobs.
  • Legislative changes.
  • Market changes.
  • Retirement timelines.

Ongoing reviews are optional, but highly recommended. As your financial advisors, we can help take the emotion out of investing, keep your financial plan on track, and give you peace of mind.

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